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Get to Know -iNToX- a Bit More

Andres Morales Interiano(AKA nano):

Andres, iNToX's bass player, was born in Honduras on June 12, 1988.  He moved to Costa Rica in the 5th grade (1998), when he was about 10 years old.  Rudy, from Mudvanne, was one of the famous bass players that inspired him to learn how to play the bass.  After been trying to play the bass in a band since 6th grade Andres finally join with iNToX about a year ago.  Some of his hobbies include skating, playing bass, swimming,  and is also the soccer team gollie of his school.  One of his favorites hobbies is hanging out with the homies and especially chicks. 

Daniel Kerbel (AKA Danny):

Danny is one of iNToX's guitar players.  He was born in San Francisco, California on December 27, 1987 but is from a Mexican family.  Danny later moved to Costa Rica when he was about nine years old.  After he had been playing the guitar for about four years he was eager to form a band.  Danny finally joined a band, iNToX, about a year ago.  Some of his hobbies include playing soccer, paintball, playing the guitar, and going out to parties.  He also enjoys simply doing nothing sometimes and just relax. 

Alessandro Fontanez Lopez (AKA Pipolz):

Pipolz, iNToX's drum player, is originally from Puerto Rico.  He was born on April 9, 1988 and from that day on he has been very proud of being a Puertoriquen.  Pipolz moved to Costa Rica when he was 14 and entered the school where the rest of the iNToX members studied.  Having been playing the drums for about three years he was always trying to form a band with his friends.  After living in Costa Rica for a half a year he joined iNToX.  Some of his hobbies include playing the drums, playing paintball, playing basketball, going to the beach, going to parties, and listening to music. 

Jin Tae Ko (AKA Jingerale):

Jin was born in Seoul, South Korea in September 14, 1987 and is one of iNToX's guitar players.  He moved to Costa Rica when he was about eight years old.  Jin has been playing guitar since he was about eleven and has played in some other bands before.  He also joined iNToX about a year ago and he sings most of our songs.  Some of his hobbies include playing guitar, playing soccer and tennies, going to the gym, listening and downloading music, and making websites.


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